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A Positive Outlook of Filipinos on the Philippines Fast Growing Economy


The Philippines has a fast growing economy

A Positive Outlook of Filipinos on the Philippines Fast Growing Economy

DBS Group, a Singapore based financial services provider has issued an analysis that overseas remittances are expected to be less important in the Philippine economy as more Filipinos opt to stay in the country due to improving and increasing job opportunities in the Philippines. The financial service provider also cited that the Philippine domestic economy is performing very well  and because of this, more investments may be forthcoming.

DBS Group has cited the government’s reform, low debt levels and the government’s steps to address high birth rate are all positive steps that cause a faster growing economy.

In view of this economic analysis, Filipinos will no longer need to work abroad just to have a stable job. Filipinos have known as the best in the outsourcing industry and they need not go abroad to share their skills to the world through the use of internet technology. It is really about time that these  hardworking individuals enjoy the life of living in their own country without sacrificing their career and financial gains.

For full details of the article, the link is as follows:


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